Dream Heart Services
Service Provider in Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Christine Lassota at Dream Heart Services offers Reiki energy sessions and Reiki Classes throughout the year. Reiki Mentoring Groups and Reiki Shares are hosted monthly. As a certified consulting hypnotist, Christine Lassota works with individuals to facilitate reaching personal and professional goals (performance enhancement, confidence building, smoking cessation, body image improvement etc). Counseling and a variety of metaphysical classes are offered at Dream Heart Services home office and at a Community Education District 214 location. Topics include: Introduction to Reiki and other forms of Energy healing, Breath-work, Psychic Development exploration, Shamanic Healing, Angels and Spirit Guides and more. Reiki is one of the healing tools in her personal medicine bag about -which Christine is most passionate. Member of IARP and ICRT as well as the National Guild of Hypnotists.