Dee Nicholson Life Coach and Metaphysician
Service Provider in Toronto, Ontario
Many thousands of people know Dee from her work in health freedom campaigns to assure our access to natural health care and a healthy food supply, and know that she is a powerful advocate and strategist, exposing the core of the world domination of health freedom (and other freedoms) being established via trade agreements. What they do not know is that Dee is a skilled life coach with many years of experience, incorporating the real body-mind connection at the metaphysical level to eliminate the energetic causes of illness, and resolving those emotional issues which cause us to become ill. Dee’s ground-breaking book, “Lies Your Ego Told You”, is endorsed by Pulitzer-nominated investigative reporter Jon Rappoport as “Having a message on wings”. And MK-ULTRA victim Cathy O’Brien states that the skills taught are “Anti-mind control” because they teach people to think critically and solve for TRUTH.