Gulf Coast Venture Forum
Service Provider in Naples, Florida
Tamiami Angel Fund I & II, LLC (”T1” , "T2" or the “Fund”) is a Member-managed Florida Limited Liability Company (LLC) designed to enable private accredited investors to collectively make private equity investments in promising early stage through expansion stage commercial ventures located in the State of Florida. The Fund’s structure and operating procedures were designed to afford private investors substantial advantages over traditional individual, “Angel”, investing. Membership is by invitation only, and is extended to individuals who share our vision and will actively contribute to our process. Member participation is critical to the success of the Fund. The organization is structured to assure Member control of all critical investment activities and direct Member involvement with the portfolio companies. Administrative support, supplied by Peninsula Fund Administrators, is an important element of the Fund model and effectively relieves Members from the extensive administrative burden associated with the evaluation of investment opportunities, structuring of investments, legal closing of investment and remaining abreast of portfolio company progress. We encourage both entrepreneurs and investors to participate with us by submitting your plan or inquiring about membership. The Tamiami Angel Funds are Member-owned and Member-managed for-profit investment partnerships that seeks to provide its Members an opportunity for active involvement in a diversified capital investment process and a portfolio of high quality, high growth companies with a preference toward those companies located in the State of Florida. However, we have has no a geographic restrictions on investment opportunities.