Fund for Arkansas' Future

Service Provider in Little Rock, Arkansas

The Fund for Arkansas' Future is a member-managed, angel investor fund formed for the purpose of capitalizing early-stage, Arkansas-based companies with the obvious goal of generating strong returns for our investors. Their members (investors) comprise some of Arkansas' premier business and community leaders who are focused on driving economic development through the creation of high-growth companies based in Arkansas. Their fund is member-managed, with an Investment Committee of seven members driving the investment decisions for the membership, with a group of five Managers approving the investment decisions of the Committee. Also, members are enlisted in the screening, due diligence, and mentoring efforts undertaken by the fund. All meetings of the Managers and Investment Committee are open to all members of the fund. Upon making an investment, our members stay equally involved in the portfolio company, and in most cases retain a seat on the company's Board of Directors. Companies targeted for investment are seed and start-up stage Arkansas-based firms that provide an opportunity for rapid growth. Again, a primary motive for this fund is to bolster the state’s economy through high-growth ventures. Companies with an emphasis on technology or biotechnology will be targeted, but other companies with significant growth potential will also be considered.


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2201 North Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, Arkansas
USA 72212
(501) 227-7767

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