Cincinnati Angel Capital Hub

Service Provider in Cincinnati, Ohio

C-Cap acts as an early stage capital hub, connecting entrepreneurs with individual investors, and with other resources needed by early stage growth companies. C-Cap focuses on high-growth-potential companies of the types that would be eligible for professional venture capital financing at a later stage. A number of individual investors are members of C-Cap. An entrepreneur can submit an executive summary of a business plan to C-Cap, and that summary is circulated to C-Cap's investor members for review and possible funding. C-Cap's investor members usually provide "angel" capital, defined as the funds needed by a growth company after money from friends and family has been exhausted, and before the company qualifies for professional venture capital funding. The template for an acceptable business plan summary is available from C-Cap. There is a small application fee, but C-Cap does not receive any other compensation from entrepreneurs. C-Cap also conducts boot camps for entrepreneurs and for "angel" investors, and participates in other programs. C-Cap is an initiative of The Circuit, the association of information technology companies in the Greater Cincinnati region. The Circuit is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping companies within Cincinnati's high-tech community become more successful through educational events, networking opportunities and government advocacy. As a member of Ohio's IT Alliance, the Circuit partners with other technology organizations to leverage information and resources throughout the state of Ohio. The Circuit is also a member of the Council of Regional IT Associations (CRITA), which nationally represents more than 26,000 IT organizations. Eligibility: All entrepreneurs with business plans for high-growth companies are eligible. Fees: Small fixed fees are charged for submitting a business plan summary and for attendance at events.


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11427 Reed Harman Highway
Cincinnati, Ohio
USA 45241
(513) 618-6440

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