Abengoa Solar, S.A.

Manufacturer/Supplier in Arlington, Virginia

Abengoa Solar develops and applies technologies to generate electricity from the sun, working to limit climate change and to develop local communities using mostly concentrating solar thermal, but also photovoltaic technologies. Abengoa Solar has transitioned into a pioneer in the construction of commercial concentrating solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) power plants, by the economic and technical foundation reached through R&D. This innovative technology is used for Abengoa Solar´s own plants or purchased by third parties, and can be bought with or without the associated assembly and engineering. Abengoa Solar has reached a total of 1223 MW in commercial operation, including the first and second commercial power towers worldwide, thirteen 50 MW plants, a 100 MW plant and a 280 MW parabolic trough plant, an integrated solar combined-cycle (ISCC) plant, and several PV plants. Additionally, it has 540 MW under construction in the Americas and Africa. The company has 210 MW in pre-construction phase.



2900-1100 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia
USA 22209
(703) 907-5410

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