Level Up Village

Service Provider in Tarrytown, New York

Our mission at Level Up Village is to globalize the classroom and facilitate global collaboration between students from around the world.

Our mission at Level Up Village is to globalize the classroom and facilitate seamless collaboration between students from around the world via pioneering Global STEAM (STEM + Arts) enrichment courses. We offer STEAM courses for students in K-9 and Global Citizen Series courses for students ages 14 and up.

Schools run our courses for students in-school, after school, and during the summer. In each course, connect your students with peers in other countries – students exchange video letters with their global partner students and collaborate on projects. Many of our courses use the “Take a Class, Give a Class” model.



580 White Plains Road
Suite 660
Tarrytown, New York
USA 10591
+1 (203) 357-5271

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