Russell Global Indexes
Service Provider in Seattle, Washington
Russell Global Indexes provide institutional investors insight into complex global markets. Representing 98% of the investable universe, our global indexes reflect the performance of over 10,000 securities in 47 countries. Russell research has shown that companies of similar capitalization tend to perform alike, regardless of location. That's why Russell Global Indexes use a single market cap break across the globe to determine whether a company is considered large cap or small cap. Distinctively, this global-relative view creates one large, diverse, investable universe of global securities. Since today's investors are looking for the best-positioned companies worldwide, we believe our global Indexes better represent how managers actually invest. Deep market coverage: Russell Global Indexes are built from a company-level perspective. Companies are added as they gain adequate size and liquidity, rather than being excluded because of location. Completely objective. Rules-based, transparent methodology lets the market determine index membership, rather than sampling found in other indexes.
1301 2nd Avenue
Seattle, Washington
USA 98101