Vital Systems, Inc.
Service Provider in Berkeley, California
Facilitate and support our human family's deep connection with all living systems; live vibrant, respectful, and fulfilling lives; and co-evolve a regenerative and resilient world. We promote kinship, interdependence, mindful behavior, and loving kindness, through training, best practices, collaborative projects and conscious investing. We do this by: Supporting inalienable rights to healthy food that is good, clean, fair and affordable; Developing equitable democratic practices; Growing resilient, living systems; and Honoring the Spirits of Life. At Vital Systems, we question the current underlying values around money and its relation to contemporary food systems. We offer services for food and farming businesses and investors to help grow food and farming enterprises, infrastructure and healthy economies. As part of our mission, we also actively engage grassroots communities to heal living systems. Vital Systems, Inc. is the result of Theodosia Hamilton Ferguson's last ten years of deduction, intuition, inquiry, and experimentation into creating resilient economies. In 2004, she launched Sustainable Venture as a 501(c)3 nonprofit to address the issue that Beneficial Owners, people with assets in trust with private banks, are often kept from knowing how their money drives global policy.