Investor Environmental Health Network
Service Provider in Falls Church, Virginia
The Investor Environmental Health Network is a collaborative partnership of investment managers, advised by nongovernmental organizations, concerned about the financial and public health risks associated with corporate toxic chemicals policies. IEHN, through dialogue and shareholder resolutions, encourages companies to adopt policies to continually and systematically reduce and eliminate the toxic chemicals in their products and activities. IEHN members manage approximately $35 billion in assets. IEHN staff are available to serve as information resources for companies. Companies adopting safer chemicals policies can anticipate and avoid œtoxic lockout from the marketplace, such as government bans or restrictions on products, and consumer and institutional decisions to seek safer products. They also can reduce their reputational and legal risks and enhance long-term shareholder value. Companies producing and selling safer products can gain market share, grow their top- and bottom-lines, and enhance their brand. IEHN, since 2009, has co-directed with Green Century Capital Management, investor engagements with energy companies encouraging disclosure of corporate policies and practices for managing the environmental risks and community impacts of shale energy development (commonly referred to as "fracking").
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201 Park Washington Court
Falls Church, Virginia
USA 22046