Greg Garvan - Money with a Mission/FAFN
Service Provider in Charleston, South Carolina
Money With A Mission a DBA name used by Greg Garvan provides, through Natural Investments, LLC, fee-only financial planning services. Since 1992 Money With A Mission has believed that fee-only socially responsible asset management and comprehensive financial planning are the core ways to connect your values and your financial life. On the investment side, we do this by helping you manage investments using environmental and social screens, as well as financial risk and return analysis. On the financial planning side, we provide a comprehensive overview that outlines your risks and opportunities, as well as ways that you can integrate your values deeper into your financial life. As a fee-only planning firm, we do not sell anything on commission. Transparency is one of our most important values, and you'll see this reflected throughout our work. The core of Money with a Mission is on the East Coast although we work with a network of individuals across the country. Strategic alliance with Gary Matthews, FAFN rep, serving the Carolinas, New York, New England. We help progressively-minded investors to prosper while contributing to a world that is more peaceful, just, and sustainable - wealth management for the good of people and the planet.
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930 Stillwater Drive
Charleston, South Carolina
USA 29412