George Gay - First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC
Service Provider in Colorado Springs, Colorado
George R. Gay CFP, AIF is Chief Executive Officer of First Affirmative Financial Network and chairs the First Affirmative Investment Committee. George served on the board of directors of the Social Investment Forum for more than a dozen years, and has produced and hosted the annual SRI in the Rockies Conference since 1990. He was the recipient of the industry's 1997 "SRI Service Award." George earned his Certified Financial Planner designation in June 1984 and completed a range of securities examinations covering the practice and supervision of securities business. He has held Series 24 (Registered Principal), 7 (Registered Representative), 65 (Uniform Investment Advisor), 53 (Municipal Bond Principal) and 63 (Uniform Securities Agent) licenses. He earned his AIF designation (Accredited Investment Fiduciary) in November 2003. George joined the company that was to become First Affirmative Financial Network as a financial planner in November 1986. He assumed the position of Chief Operating Officer of First Affirmative in 1989 and managed the sale of the company to Walnut Street Securities, Inc., in 1995. George served as President of the First Affirmative division of Walnut Street Advisers and as Vice President of Walnut Street Advisers (May 1995-June 1999). He became CEO of the newly independent First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC on July 1, 1999.