Lamb Farm L.L.C.
Distributor/Wholesaler in Manchester, Michigan
Lamb Farm is a certified organic farm (Global Organic Alliance -- GOA) specializing in pasture raised lamb and beef. Our animals are raised in a humane and non-confined pasture based system that is dedicated to animal health and high quality and healthy meat products. The pastures at Lamb Farm are vigorously maintained through rotational inter-species grazing, routine mowing after grazing and periodic over-seeding with organically certified seed. Pastures are planted with a blend of alfalfa, clover, fescue, rye, and orchard grass. The quality of the meat that results from the animal's ability to convert vegetative matter to protein to support human growth and health is a direct result of high quality soil and the vegetation that grows there. None of our animals have received growth hormones and no antibiotics are used in the routine feeding cycle. Any animal receiving antibiotics for illness is so tagged and separated from our standard marketing program.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
Listing Categories
6734 Lamb Road
Manchester, Michigan
USA 48158