Scott Wolf - Wolf Realty

Service Provider in Chico, California

I entered the real estate field to specialize in green housing--housing that is healthier, more resource efficient, and better for the environment. Whether you are looking for the high-tech (solar powered homes, SIPs, etc.) or the low-tech (straw bale, rammed earth, and so on), I can help you discover what your options are and how we might go about finding or building your eco-home. Additionally, I can assist homeowners who have taken the time and care to create green homes in finding buyers who appreciate their efforts and see the true value of such homes. In 2007, I was appointed by the mayor to the Chico Sustainability Task Force, which recommends ways for the city to reduce its carbon footprint. As a LEED Accredited Professional, I enjoy helping clients further integrate sustainability into their homes and lifestyles.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Scott Wolf - Wolf Realty has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

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9 Spanish Oak Circle
Chico, California
USA 95926
(530) 592-5357

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