Roland Gomez - Weichert Realtors

Service Provider in Annandale, Virginia

Mr. Gomez has been a Realtor in Northen Virginia since 1983 for Weichert, Realtors. He's a member of most of the Real Estate Professional Designations: GRI, CRS,ASP, SRES, Eco-Broker, ARB & others. He's a member of the Screen Actor's Guild - appears in many major motion pictures from time to time.He is also a member of AFTRA. He has been Governor of Education at the Little Theatre of Alexandria for many years and directed over 50 theatre productions in the Washington Metro Area; over 2 dozen productions at LTA. He has taught theatre classes for many years. He has worked with 3 great Broadway Directors: Alan Schneider, Harold Clurman, and Jose Quintero; also Lee Strasberg at the Actor's Studio. He was an actor while in Graduate School with the Arena Stage (D.C.) Company. He was a member of the New York Athletic Club for over 25 years until he moved to the D.C. area. He was a member of the NY Advertising Club for years and created the ANDY Awards for the Club and was Executive Director the Award for 6 years. Worked closely with Betty Furness, Hugh Downs, Barbara Walters on the Award. Paul Newman awarded him The ANDY Award in 1971 for his creation and contribution to the Award as its Executive Director for 6 years. He was a writer for AFKN -10 radio stations in Korea while serving in the Korean War. Taught English at the University of Taegu, Korea to the Professors. Specialties: Listing and Selling and Promoting Real Estate. Directing and Management of Theatres.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Roland Gomez - Weichert Realtors has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

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6715 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, Virginia
USA 22003
(703) 625-3900

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