Phil Bertrand - Residential Real Estate Broker
Service Provider in Eugene, Oregon
ECOBROKER is about positive energy: inside us, inside our homes and in the world at large. It is about sharing, learning, and educating to harmonize who we are with our family, community and dwelling place. DOUBLE CLICK ON "GREEN TOPICS" IN LEFT COLUMN FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR INTEREST. If you or your organization would like to explore the endless possibilites of EcoGreen & Sustainability,please contact me by phone or e-mail. I offer myself and my energy to find the resources and projects that will match or enhance your needs. CHECK OUT "GREEN TOPICS" IN THE COLUMN ON THE LEFT for free ideas and information. If you are a service provider and would like to explore affiliation, let's discuss how we might be of help to each other and our communities.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
Listing Categories
2644 Suzanne Way
Eugene, Oregon
USA 97408