Chad Deal- Kaua'i Tropical Properties, Inc.

Service Provider in Hanalei, Hawaii

CHAD DEAL, Accredited Buyer Representative, Real Estate Sales Specialist and Certified Broker, was born in New York City and raised in North Carolina and Southern Florida. He attended Florida State University and the University of San Diego. After completing his duty in Viet Nam, Chad returned to school and graduated Magna Cum Laude earning a B.A. in Music from Barry University. He then pursued a successful modeling career in New York, Europe and North and South America. Chad's passion for the ocean and warm tropical environments eventually led him to leave his New York career and his home in Old Greenwich, CT and move his family to the island of Kauai in 1987. Quickly falling in love with the "Garden Island" and its wonderful lifestyle he bought property and built "North Country Farms," an organic family farm and tropical bed and breakfast. ( An Eco-friendly tourism destination.) Chad has lectured throughout the state on the merits and techniques of organic farming and was instrumental in establishing KOGA (Kaua'i Organic Growers Association). PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS: Chad is President Elect of the Kaua'i Board of Realtors and serves as a Director on the Hawai'i Association of Realtors and is a member of the Government Affairs Committees of both Kaua'i and Hawai'i.Chad is a licensed Real Estate Broker, an Accredited Buyer Representative and Broker-in-Charge of Kaua'i Tropical Properties, Inc. He is an agricultural consultant and is the Past President of the Kaua'i Developers Council.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Chad Deal- Kaua'i Tropical Properties, Inc. has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Listing Categories



P.O. Box 826
Hanalei, Hawaii
USA 96714
(808) 482-0338

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