Seven Bridges Cooperative

Manufacturer/Supplier in Santa Cruz, California

Seven Bridges Cooperative was founded to supply the best organic brewing ingredients in the world to brewers. Our retail store and mail order catalog have been open for business in Santa Cruz, California since 1997. Our mission is to make a wide selection of quality organic brewing ingredients available to home brewers. All of our organic ingredients are certified organic under the USDA national organic program. Seven Bridges is a Cooperative because we value the principals of a worker owned business where we collectively do the work, make the decisions, and share in the rewards. We are a diverse group of people with a wide range of skills and a common interest in brewing and enjoying, quality beer. All of the members of Seven Bridges have invested considerable time and money to make our dream of organic home brewing a reality. We literally started on a shoestring budget, but our structure gives our members complete and equal control over every aspect of our business. All of us at Seven Bridges are dedicated to making your organic brewing experience as pleasant and as successful as possible. Since the beginning, our top priorities have been the highest quality products, personable customer support, and respect for human dignity and the environment.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Seven Bridges Cooperative has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


325A River Street
Santa Cruz, California
USA 95060
(800) 768-4409

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