DFGE - Institute for Energy - Ecology - Economy 

Service Provider in Greifenberg

ounded in 1999 as a spin-off of the technical University of Munich, the DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy provides consulting services in the field of sustainability. Our offer Sustainability Intelligence featuring calculation management, reporting solutions and strategy development aims at bundling the effort of taking part in several sustainability/CSR standards and rankings like CDP, UNGC, DJSJ, EcoVadis or GRI as well as building overarching strategies, such as a sustainability strategy according to the SDGs. As the unique partner of the CDP for SBTs, DFGE provides its customers with comprehensive advice on climate strategy and helps them to operate climate-neutrally at product level or company-wide. To enable a future AI-based CSR management, DFGE researches in big data approach and machine learning.Our clients comprise international companies (DAX and fortune 500), SMEs, governmental organizations or territorial authorities.



Kreitstraße 5
Germany 86926
+498 (192) 997-3320

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