Collegi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya

Service Provider in Barcelona

The Association is a public law corporation, of a professional nature, which brings together all the sworn auditors of accounts in Catalonia and aims to ensure that the professional performance of the members responds to the interests and needs of society, to represent the profession in all areas related to the economic and financial environment and to defend the professional interests of the members. To project its function, the College has a very active institutional presence, participating in activities of other institutions and signing collaboration agreements with them. Thanks to the initiative of all its members, the Association organizes conferences and congresses such as the Forum, the Public Sector Audit Day or Auditor's Day, publishes the magazine L'Auditor and the notebooks technicians.



Sister Eulàlia d'Anzizu, 41
Spain 8034
+3 (493) 280-3100

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