Lotería de Córdoba

Service Provider in Córdoba

Beneficence ('bene-facere', that is, to do good) has been defined as 'the moral duty that man has to do good to his fellow men in proportion to the means available to him'. It can be exercised individually or through associations of all kinds, but they are those aimed at combating the 'producing causes of indigence' and through various systems, the so-called 'Monte de Piedad', born in Italy and soon imitated in other European and Latin American nations. In Córdoba, granting loans on some real estate through private banking institutions had been tried, until the State decided to assume greater responsibility to facilitate the obtaining of money necessary for their predicament to those who wanted to pledge jewelry or clothing. Thus, he began to work on the formation of an entity where these funds could converge. Finally, in October 1882 and during the administration of Dr. Miguel Juárez Celman, Law No. 1359 was enacted, establishing the foundation of a pawn loan establishment, called Monte de Piedad.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Lotería de Córdoba has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


27 de Abril 185
Argentina X5000
+54 (351) 426-8400

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