The Middle Way

Service Provider in Beecroft NSW

Dr Pamela Stark has consulted to industry and government on a wide range of sustainability matters. Her interest in this field began in the 1990s when she was a member of the Prime Minister’s Working Groups on Ecologically Sustainable Development. She has participated in the work of the Global Reporting Initiative. She also contributed to the development of the International Integrated Reporting Framework and the Sustainability Standards Accounting Board in the USA. Her consulting assignments have included sustainability strategy development, evaluation and reporting; climate change risk assessment and reporting. stakeholder engagement; policy research and development; and planning for sustainable water and wastewater management; She previously held senior positions in policy agencies in the NSW and Commonwealth Governments involving biotechnology, water, and science policy matters



P.O. Box 26
Beecroft NSW
Australia 2119
+61 (029) 980-9747

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