Lake Champlain Chocolates

Manufacturer/Supplier in Burlington, Vermont

We make all of our chocolates right here in Burlington, Vermont a truly special place we are proud to make our home. It is inspiring to be here on the scenic shores of Lake Champlain, in this beautiful state where people love the outdoors and appreciate fine, fresh foods. The pleasure and creativity we find in living here comes to you in the chocolates we hand craft every day. Lake Champlain Chocolates start with high quality Belgian chocolate. The finest all-natural ingredients are added, including local Vermont cream, sweet butter, maple syrup, honey, fruits, nuts, and other natural flavors. Crafted in small batches to ensure exceptional freshness, our chocolates come in gift assortments, gift baskets, and as handcrafted novelties. There are no preservatives, extenders, or additives. Our products are also Kosher certified. Our chocolates are available online, nationwide at specialty food & gift stores, including Whole Food Markets, upscale hotels and inns and at our three company-owned stores in Vermont. Our mission is to make chocolate lovers everywhere as fanatical about Lake Champlain Chocolates as we are.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Lake Champlain Chocolates has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


750 Pine Street
Burlington, Vermont
USA 05401
(800) 465-5909

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