Highwire Coffee Roasters

Manufacturer/Supplier in Oakland, California

We love the guts in a cup of fully developed coffee. We love the subtleties that speak to its place of origin. We seek to find the balance that exists between these two. Whether we're talking about an ethereal Yirgacheffe or a hefty Sumatra, our coffees taste the way they do because of where they are from and how they are roasted. We look for the sweetest spot possible in every coffee we roast. The Dalai Lama. The Mona Lisa. The Great White Buffalo. Name your own enigma. Ours is coffee and we hope you will end up believing that, though few things in life are perfect, we make a damn fine cup.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Highwire Coffee Roasters has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


5655 College Avenue
Oakland, California
USA 94618
(510) 653-0450

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