Salsa Labs, Inc.
Service Provider in Washington, D.C.
Salsas online platform isnt the only reason that you will want to become part of our network of more than 2,000 nonprofit and political organizations. The more you get to know us, the more you are going to like us. Besides being as fun to work with as our name implies, we are dedicated to your success like no other in the industry. We come from a nonprofit background, know your challenges first-hand and have a passion for doing good things. Salsa is proud to help our nonprofit clients fight for a healthier environment coast to coast and around the world for each and every one of us. Our technology is at work with organizations like Environmental Working Group (EWG), Citizens Environmental Coalition, California Environmental Justice Alliance, Earth Day Network (EDN), ForestEthics, the DC Environmental Network (DCEN) and many more. shares our core values of making the world a better place. Their commitment to the environment and fighting climate change is inspiring and we look forward to this partnership.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
Listing Categories
300-1700 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, D.C.
USA 20009