Mac-Gray Campus Solutions
Service Provider in Waltham, Massachusetts
For nearly 60 years we have provided laundry services to colleges and universities. Mac-Gray began as a small, family-owned company in New England and expanded over time to 43 states, becoming publicly-owned with over 130 of our employees sharing ownership of the company. No other company in our industry has the level of employee ownership experienced at Mac-Gray. Today, Mac-Gray Campus Solutions is the largest provider of these services to the academic market serving over 800,000 students on nearly 600 campuses. We have 31 locally-managed service branches, staffed with 326 certified service technicians, 163 bonded collectors and a fleet of 625 vehicles. Managing our impact on the environment is a corporate priority. The following guidelines are established to support this policy: - Encourage customers to reduce the environmental impact of their properties and facilities and offer them environmentally responsible solutions to accomplish this objective. - Communicate with employees, customers, and suppliers about environmental issues and activities to encourage responsible behavior. - Invest in the development of technology that will help reduce the impact our business activities on the environment. - Conserve natural resources through the reuse and recycling of materials and by purchasing recycled materials whenever possible. - Encourage suppliers to provide products that are environmentally responsible, including the purchase of recycled materials. - Work with to explore and implement carbon offset programs.
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
- Rating NA Sep 2022 Verify