Inner Ecology
Retailer in Chicago, Illinois
Inner Ecology sources highly trained East Asian herbal clinicians with exceptional-quality traditional medicinals of plant, animal and mineral origin that can be custom-mixed to their specifications, on behalf of their patients. Dedicated to preserving the wisdom gathered over centuries, we are passionate about forging a path for its continued evolution through the safe, smart, and sustainable re-rooting of this ages-old ecological medicine into North American soils. Let us support your most vibrant well-being by asking your herbal clinician to order your next herbal formula through Inner Ecology! Ever mindful of the connection between human health and environmental context, we do our utmost to make decisions that are kind to the earth and all its inhabitants. From the careful sourcing of our herbs to our bicycle delivery service, from our selection of packaging with high PCW recycling percentages to our commitment to staying local, we do our utmost to fulfill this commitment daily. In the longer term, the central aim of our business is to do our part to "green" the profession of East Asian Medicine and support domestic cultivation of our medicinals.