SMaRT Certified
Provide Substantial Global Benefits for the world’s products with Environmental, Social, & Economic criteria:
- Rating System: Sustainable, Sustainable Silver, Sustainable Gold & Sustainable Platinum
- Multiple Environmental, Social, & Economic Benefits over the supply chain
- Business Benefits: cost savings, design innovation, product differentiation, long term customer relationships, liability reduction
- Market Definition of Sustainable Products
- Life Cycle Environmental Performance Requirements for Sustainable Products
- Social Performance Requirements for sustainable Products over the supply chain
- Define Sustainable Agriculture
- Maximum Credit/Recognition over All Product Stages/Entire Supply Chain for:
- 100% Reduction of Over 1300 Pollutants covering 12 Environmental Impacts
- 100% Use of Green-e Renewable Power
- 100% Post-Consumer Recycled or Organic/BMP Biobased Materials
- 100% Reuse/Product Reclamation
- Social Equity for Manufacturer & Suppliers