NPA GMP Certified
NPA has always taken a leadership role in promoting quality standards and has developed proactive certification programs for that purpose. NPA was the first organization to offer a third-party GMP certification program for the manufacturing of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients. NPA established its GMP standards for dietary supplements in 1999 and updated the standard in 2000. At the time of publication, these GMP standards represented the industry's best practices and served as the basis of the NPA GMP Certification Program. In June 2007, the FDA published the final GMP regulation specific to dietary supplements (21 CFR 111). In order to keep the NPA GMP Certification Program relevant and reflect the highest level of industry good manufacturing practices, the NPA GMP Standard has been revised to include all of the FDA GMP requirements of 21 CFR Part 111 and retains certain requirements from the 2000 version of the NPA GMP Standard that exceed requirements of the FDA GMPs, or reflect best industry practices, and/or are necessary for the evaluation of compliance to the NPA GMP standard. NPA GMP Certification is awarded to companies that meet a high level of compliance to the NPA GMP Standard as verified through comprehensive third-party inspections of facilities and GMP-related documentation.