Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Forest Management Certification
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Forest Management certification is a voluntary certification system available to forestry organizations who want to demonstrate responsible forest management by having their forest management planning and practices independently evaluated against FSC’s forest management standards. Forest Management certification is applicable to all forest types and ownership structures (e.g. industrial or private forest owners, forest license holders, community forests, government-managed forests). Forest Management certification may be granted to a single applicant, or to numerous applicants under a group certificate. Small forests and forests that are managed at a low intensity may be eligible under FSC's Small and Low Intensity Managed Forests (SLIMFs) program. All FSC Forest Management (FM) Standards are based on FSC's International Principles & Criteria. At a regional level, indicators and verifiers are further developed in order to reflect the unique environmental and social requirements of the region. In Canada, there are four Regional Forest Management Standards, National Boreal Standard, Maritimes Standard, BC Standard and a fifth, Great Lakes St. Lawrence Standard, which is currently in draft form.