Certified Organic by PACS
The PACS is an incorporated society within the province of British Columbia and as a not for profit society is controlled by the clients it serves. As there are no profits, fees are tied directly to costs. Our floating scale certification fees keep costs reasonable for all of our clients, from small growers to multi-million dollar food processors and distributors. The PACS has a number of programs including Canada Organic Regime organic certification, which gives clients the option of exporting to other provinces, the USA and overseas. We certify enterprises Canada wide. The Low Risk Assessment Program is available to clients who do not export products out of their home province, whose production systems do not include both organic and non-organic crop production or organic and non-organic livestock production, have no outstanding conditions, have had an organic certificate for the past three years and have been a PACS client for at least two years. This program has reduced inspection requirements but participants are subject to the possibility of unannounced inspection during the inspection-free years.