Associated Environmental Site Assessors of Canada, Inc.
Service Provider in Fenelon Falls, Ontario
AESAC (Associated Environmental Site Assessors of Canada), is offering environmental training courses across Canada. Courses are offered over an intensive weekend session to minimize on time and expenses. In order to meet its mandate as a National Organization for training and certification of Environmental Site Assessors, AESAC has announced the following courses, dates and locations; Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Certification Training Course; Each step of the Environmental Site Assessment process is followed according to the CSA-Z768 guidelines. AESAC members who successfully complete the exam held on the last day of the course, and meet AESAC certification criteria, are eligible to receive the C.E.S.A. designation . Phase II Site Assessment Certification Training Course; This course provides in depth instruction and training on the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment process. Successful completion of this course along with passing the certification exam entitles the attendee to beeligible for the CESAII (Certified Environmental Site Assessor Phase II) designation.