Naipo Store
Retailer in Limassol
Naipo Store is a company specialising in a wide range of affordable and reliable massage devices.
Naipo Store holds an online presence for Cyprus & Greece, along with a physical store located in 118 Ellados, Limassol available to you Mon-Tue, Thur- Fri at 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-19:00, and Wed & Sat at 10:00-14:00.
We have been serving Cyprus and Greece for several years, aiming to provide utter relaxation & comfort and promote health & well-being.
Naipo boasts an entire range of products consisting of high-quality neck & shoulder massagers, massage guns, foot massagers, and other relaxation products.
These massage devices provide you comfort and relief on any part of your body, including your neck pain, back pain, leg and foot pain, and even shoulder pain.
With 2 years warranty and premium quality product you can get at an affordable price, Naipo allows you to put your wellbeing first without having to break the bank.