Armadillo Stores

Retailer in Quito

Armadillo Stores is a fair trade and ethical enterprise seeking to bring positive change to both the Kichwa artisans who handcraft clothing and accessories in remote regions of Ecuador, as well as to clients around the world interested in connecting with and creating social progress for the Kichwa people.Through this connection, Armadillo Stores aims to preserve a culture and crafting technique in danger of disappearing. These handwoven products have an intricate technique that is passed down from generation to generation, and its production, from sourcing the raw material to weaving the finest natural handbags, is completely local and sustainable The ancestral tradition of weaving shigras is near extinction because the weaving process is very difficult, time consuming, and not fairly compensated. We work directly with the weavers and make sure they are fairly compensated. We have a program of improving quality of weavings and designs, and hardly work on replicating designs that are close to becoming extinct.



+59 (399) 922-2024

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  • Quito