J & J Flowers and Gift Shop
Retailer in Pembroke Pines, Florida
J & J Flowers and Gift Shop is a local florist providing same-day flower delivery & floral designs in Pembroke Pines, Florida.
Available to serve you on Mon-Sat, 9:30 AM-6:30 PM, our flower shop has been working in Pembroke Pines for several years, producing floral arrangements for every kind of occasion.
Want to get a dozen red roses for your anniversary or Valentine’s Day? Some orchids or hydrangeas for Mother’s Day or a friend’s birthday?
Decorative wreaths for Christmas or Hanukkah? Sympathy arrangement for a funeral service?
Place your orders with our florists today! Contact us by phone at (954) 399-9967, via email at jjflowers015@gmail.com.
Make J&J Flowers and Gift Shop your new favorite florist for all your floral needs in Pembroke Pines!
Environmental Attributes
8366 Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, Florida
USA 33024