Complement Healthcare - Kathrine Tavakoli, ND

Service Provider in Surrey, British Columbia

Dr. Kathrine Tavakoli finished her B.Sc. at the University of Toronto, and completed her Naturopathic Studies at the Boucher Institute in 2007.  She joined Performance Integrated Health in 2014, and currently oversees the direction and services of the Naturopathic Department in our clinic.  Dr. T (nickname earned at the office), comes from an extended family of doctors and medical practitioner, with her main mentor being her father, an experienced pediatrician.

Dr. Tavakoli believes in patient-centred and results-driven medical care.  This does not preclude current accepted practices, but she believes in achieving tangible results for her patients.  Her core philosophy is preventative medicine, with the main pillars being nutrition and diet, patient-education, Intravenous therapies (IV), and supplementation when needed.  Her main goal is to investigate and get to the root cause of any concern, and treat every condition with a detailed treatment plan.

She’s passionate and committed to treating chronic conditions such as auto-immune disorders, gastro-intestinal disturbances (IBS, IBD, food sensitivities, SIBO...), hormonal irregularities, diabetes, and weight management.  She also loves treating chronic pain.  This came about through personal experience (a car accident).  This journey led her into specialties such as Prolotherapy, Perineural therapy, trigger point therapy, acupuncture and Mesotherapy.  Physical pain is prevelant; most people are suffering from pain or know someone who is. This has become a core part of her practice.

Dr. T, is certified in anti-aging and cosmetic treatments such as Botox, and Mesotherapy.  She has a special “Healthy Transformation” 8-week program, to help rejuvenate and reset your bodies vitality and health.

She currently lives on the North Shore with her husband and children.  She enjoys the lush greens and nature trails that our wonderful city has to offer.  She’s a big soccer fan (La Liga) and unwinds with Yoga.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Complement Healthcare - Kathrine Tavakoli, ND has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

3. Good Health and Well-Being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Targets: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, 3.D More info



#120 - 2630 Croydon Drive
Surrey, British Columbia
Canada V3Z 6T3
(604) 535-7705

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