Candlebay Inn

Service Provider in Freeport, Maine

Candlebay Inn has a long history in the Freeport area. Built-in 1848, this beautifully restored shipbuilder’s home was constructed by Henry A. Bailey, Hezekiah B. Means, Philip A. Briggs, and John A. Briggs. It is a typical New England-style house, with the main house connected to the barn by a shed; however, it is not a “farm” house. The barn was constructed mainly to store merchandise until it was sold.

The barn has a unique construction feature, which can be found in many of the wooden ships built during this time period. The joints between the barn’s columns and floor beams are reinforced by large, bolted-on wooden brackets. This type of construction can also be seen at the First Parish Congregational Church on Main Street in Freeport.


Sustainable Development Goals & Related Targets

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Targets: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 8.10, 8.A, 8.B More info



8 Maple Avenue
Freeport, Maine
USA 04032
(207) 865-1868

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