
in Morristown, New Jersey

Covanta’s mission is to provide sustainable waste and energy solutions to ensure that no waste is ever wasted.How do we achieve this? By providing communities and businesses with solutions to some of today's most complex environmental challenges. With a global network of Energy-from-Waste and material processing facilities, Covanta is preserving valuable natural resources and generating clean energy for our client communities and the world we live in. Covanta’s belief in powering today and protecting tomorrow makes us a forward-thinking partner for a sustainable future.

Our tailored recycling and energy recovery solutions minimize business risks, while providing a sustainable alternative to landfills. A relationship with Covanta means you can rest easy knowing that your non-hazardous waste disposal needs will be met responsibly.

Through continuous enhancement and improvement, Covanta is committed to being an industry leader in environmental protection. Our goal for clients is threefold: leverage superior knowledge; ensure quality service; demonstrate absolute dedication to sustainability goals.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Covanta has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


445 South Street
Morristown, New Jersey
USA 07960
(862) 345-5000

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