Within Your Hands, Inc.
Retailer in Ottawa, Ontario
Welcome to Within Your Hands. My name is Jess Lynn Kramer and I am the founder of Within Your Hands. I established this website to solve the growing problem of too many disposable items. Living a sustainable lifestyle is a way of life and although I am far from being a tree-hugger I believe that small steps can make a big impact. Incorporating eco products into your life is smart and efficient when you measure all the true costs. Take for example a reusable baggie which can last a full school year or longer. Measure that between the boxes of baggies you normally go through in a school year and ask yourself yes you can recycle but do you and how much more did you spend at the end of the year? Within Your Hands offers fun, modern, functional items that are good for you and the planet and can fit into your busy lifestyle. Whether you are an experienced parent, a parent to be, a gift giver or just someone who wants to add a product into your lifestyle that makes being green easier the Within Your Hands collection has something for you. We find items that lead free, BPA free, non-toxic and are made with as much recycled content as possible. Within Your Hands also believes that being green doesnÕt have to be expensive so we try to offer similar products in different price categories so that everyone can choose to make simple changes to decrease the amount of waste they are leaving for the future generation. We also try to find as many products that are made from Canada and the United States. Within Your Hands supports small business because small business is what drives our economy and helps create a sense of community.