Tdm Plantation Sdn Bhd
Processor in Terengganu
Incorporated in 1965, TDM Berhad is listed on Bursa Malaysia's main board with core business in oil palm plantation and healthcare. The Group's plantation arm, TDM Plantation Sdn Bhd (TDMP) develops and manages 12 oil palm plantations and two palm oil mills located in Sungai Tong and Kemaman, Terengganu. In 2007, TDM expanded its plantation business to Kalimantan, Indonesia. Currently, the Group has a total of 45,389 hectares of planted oil palm land for its plantations in Terengganu, Malaysia and Kalimantan, Indonesia. Mission: TDM shall fulfil its role as a responsible corporate citizen by delivering sustainable returns and growth for its stakeholders.