Pt Perkebunan Nusantara Iv (Persero)
Processor in Sumatera Utara
Vision: Being a company that excels in integrated agro-industrial enterprises. Mission: Running a business with the best business principles, innovative, and highly competitive. Holding a palm-based agro-industrial enterprises, tea, and rubber. Agroindustrial enterprises integrate upstream, downstream, and new products, supporting agro-industry and asset utilization dengna preference to the latest technology that is tested (proven) and environmentally friendly. To achieve clear goals in the corridor of vision and mission, we need a corporate plan or long-term strategic planning will be the reference / management guidelines in implementing strategic decisions. Preparation of a long-term plan is part of a consistent effort in the implementation and achievement of good corporate governance (GCG).
Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels
Listing Categories
Sumatera Utara
+6 (261) 415-4666
Jl. Letjen Suprapto No.2, H A. M D. A N, Medan Maimun, Kota Medan
Sumatera Utara