Katharina Consulting

Manufacturer/Supplier in Victoria, British Columbia

Katharina Consulting provides testing and consulting services to help clients create healthy living and work environments based on the Building Biology Principles. We find sustainable and healthy solutions—be it nontoxic building materials, zero-VOC finishes, or low-emission equipment. One aspect of our environment is often overlooked because it is invisible, but human-made electromagnetic fields can be found everywhere where electricity or wireless technologies are used. Government guidelines protect from acute electric shock and burns, but not from long-term effects caused by everyday, low-level exposures—many of which are totally unnecessary and waste lots of precious energy. We specialize in electromagnetic field testing where people are exposed for long periods of time: in bed, in front of the computer, inside a car, at home, at work, etc. We measure power-frequency electric and magnetic fields, radiofrequency radiation, static electric and magnetic fields; identify radiation sources; and outline a personalized strategy on how to avoid exposures, how to use electronic devices with confidence for the least amount of exposures, and how to design wiring for low emission levels. All recommendations are science-based. Our guiding principle: precaution is the best cure.



Victoria, British Columbia
(250) 642-2774

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  • Victoria, British Columbia