Happy Family

Manufacturer/Supplier in New York, New York

Launched on Mother’s Day 2006, and founded and operated by moms, Happy Family is a leading premium organic food brand delivering optimal nutrition for the entire family. In 2011, founder and CEO Shazi Visram earned the title of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year for New York. Happy Family has been named as one of the fastest growing organic food companies in the nation by Inc. magazine for two years running, and was named “Rockstar of the New Economy” by Fast Company in 2012. After watching a friend struggle to find healthy food options for her baby (that didn’t involve hours of slaving away in the kitchen), Shazi came up with the idea for Happy Family. What began as Happy Baby — a minimally processed frozen, organic alternative to baby food in a jar — has since grown into a comprehensive line of products for the whole family. Today, Happy Family provides organic foods for babies, toddlers, kids, and even adults! It’s delicious, convenient and made with a mother’s touch for all ages, all stages. What could be happier than that?


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Happy Family has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels


40 Fulton Street, 17th Floor
New York, New York
USA 10038
(855) 644-2779

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