Service Provider in Fullerton, California

CWE is a dynamic, award-winning civil engineering firm composed of engineers, scientists, designers, and construction support professionals. We bring the knowledge, creativity, mastery, and commitment necessary to deliver solutions on a wide range of civil engineering, water resources, and environmental projects. Across our spectrum of expertise and services, CWE makes personalized connections with each client to best serve their goals and objectives, instill trust, and fulfill our promise and commitment to providing engineering solutions to improve the quality of life.CWE creates, delivers, and supports services that resolve civil engineering, stormwater management, water resources, and environmental issues. We offer services for complete project delivery, including initial planning and assessment, design, construction management, and operation and maintenance. Our objective is to advance the goals and objectives of our clients, their communities and stakeholders, and the environment.We have a team of qualified experts in our Orange County, San Diego, and Utah offices. CWE has played a critical role in the development and implementation of stormwater and environmental management standards, and supports federal agencies, state and local governments, non-profits, and private industries throughout the Western United States.


Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

CWE has obtained the following Certifications, Standards and Eco-Labels

Listing Categories



1561 East Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 240
Fullerton, California
USA 92831
(714) 526-7500

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