Awakened Guidance

Service Provider in San Francisco, California

Awakened Guidance is his profound synergistic process that utilizes ancient shamanic and modern therapeutic healing practices. Using the powerful techniques of Awakened Guidance, Han skillfully counsels, heals and teaches clients of all ages. He inspires them to go beyond present limitations and live lives of contribution based in well-being, greater personal power, and expressions of their true purpose. With a Ph.D. from Northwestern University specializing in Environmental Psychology, Han spent several decades in corporate and government leadership positions before pursuing his passion for awakening others to their higher guidance. Han is recognized as a clear channel and reader of the Akashic Records. He has been a shamanic practitioner for many years, and has received extensive training in the healing arts of spirit releasement and soul retrieval. Han is a certified clinical hypnotherapist from the Institute of Transpersonal Studies. He is also an ordained Minister, and an advanced practitioner of vibrational (energy) healing. Han is presently Director of the Advancement of Humanity (Institution & Foundation) dedicated to Raising Consciousness and Transforming Human Endeavor, see: AdvHumanity. He previously served as trainer for Community Matters, a non profit organization that empowers youth and transforms communities. Han presented “Safe School Ambassador” Programs in public schools throughout North America. Han is a published author. His stories have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Wisdom of Dads and Chicken Soup to Inspire Body & Soul. Articles, written during his early academic career, appeared in several professional journals. In addition, Han co-authored (with M. Thomas) Protecting Children from Danger: Building Self Reliance and Emergency Skills without Fear, North Atlantic Books (1993). He was a founder of Protecting Our Loved Ones International (POLO), a non-profit organization dedicated to child and family safety education.



San Francisco, California
(415) 419-4427

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