Spiritual Guidance

Service Provider in Ottawa, Ontario

Spiritual Guidance shares our philosophy, mission and vision below. Our founder's background is located at the bottom of this page. PHILOSOPHY - LOVE AND INNER PEACE: Spiritual Guidance was born from the founder's soul (and sole) desire to make a difference to the lives of the people he lives and works with, to be of service, to love unconditionally and to promote inner peace as a seed for world peace. The founder recognized through his own spiritual transformation that examining one's life is a divine path to spiritual growth and enlightenment. Spiritual Guidance supports, facilitates and nurtures aspirants by co-creating, collaborating and living out a way of working together, walking the talk of oneness and leading by example. MISSION - OUR HEART INTENTION: Spiritual Guidance is an interfaith ministry initiative that serves by teaching and healing a world in transformation. As such, Spiritual Guidance facilitates the raising of consciousness and invites awareness of ourselves and our presence / place in the world by helping people remember who they truly are. In doing so, we embrace spiritual growth in a secular society by removing cultural, spiritual and religious barriers to oneness and inviting, encouraging and celebrating connection, diversity and inclusivity.



71 Somerset Street West
Unit 504
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K2P 2G2
(613) 204-0299

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