Vancouver Angel Technology Network (VANTEC)

Service Provider in Vancouver, British Columbia

This network consists of VANTEC members, angel investors and other early-stage investors who meet monthly to hear a selected number of short business presentations by nascent technology entrepreneurs. This is not an open forum style of event - it is private and informal. Between 30 and 40 angels typically attend each meeting. Attendance is restricted primarily to bona fide angel investors (VANTEC members and their guests). Attendance is by invitation only. Non-members who are accredited investors are also welcome to attend for a $50 drop-in fee. The objective is to make initial introductions with a view to having interested parties subsequently meet in private. There are no agents, brokers, or institutional representatives. The organizers of VANTEC are independent volunteers. VANTEC is not part of any other organization. See for links to other community resources. Many companies have received funding from this network and some have already provided financial returns to angel investors.


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Vancouver, British Columbia
(604) 644-1926

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