Plug and Play Angels

Service Provider in Sunnyvale, California

Plug & Play Ventures is a seed and early-stage Investment firm focused on investing in emerging growth companies. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, It is the investment arm of [] which has over 150 portfolio companies in the areas of Web 2.0, software (SaaS), Social Networking, Social Media, Gaming, Enterprise, Cloud and telecom verticals. Plug & Play Ventures participates in Seed, Angel and Series A funding where they often co-invest with their strategic partners. Through years of experience and as part of their network, the firm has put together a world-class network of serial entrepreneurs, strategic investors, and industry leaders who actively assist the firm with its successful and growing investment portfolio. SEED ROUND Plug and Play Ventures participates in seed round investing through a program called Startup Camp. Startup Camp is a 10-week program based in Silicon Valley for top-notch entrepreneurs to work intensively on building out their business. Select startups will refine their business models and prototypes with help from a combination of structured workshops, speaker series and mentorship sessions, as well as active coaching from their investment team. At the culmination of Startup Camp, founders will have crystalized their business plans and pitched their company to the venture capital community at EXPO Demo Day." ANGEL ROUND Plug and Play Ventures makes angel round investments throughout the year, sourced from their monthly Plug and Play Angels (PAPA) sessions. They are partnered with local angel investors in Silicon Valley who participate in PAPA to find the most promising startups and best new technologies. SERIES A Series A rounds are a critical stage in the funding of new companies. A typical Series A round is in the range of $2 million to $10 million, and is intended to provide operating capital for the company for six months to two years. This round capitalizes the company as it develops its products, performs initial marketing and branding, acquires talent, and conducts other early-stage business operations. It is in this stage that they will co-invest with over 180 venture capital partners. In the past, they have helped to create markets and technology leaders such as PayPal, Danger, Google and now they have DropBox, LendingClub, Zoosk, SoundHound, CreditSesame, Skytree, Room77 and over 150 more hot startups at their portfolio family.


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440 North Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, California
USA 94085
(408) 524-1400

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