Angels Corner

Service Provider in Santa Clara, California

AngelsCorner is a Silicon Valley, California, based venture group comprised of accredited investors interested in private equity investment and syndication. AngelsCorner member investors are primarily focused on investing into high-quality, diverse investment opportunities in emerging technologies, Life Science/Biotech, Real Estate, and any segment with high growth opportunity. The members are very effective mentors and actively draw on their diverse backgrounds and the business experiences of other members. AngelsCorner was founded to enhance economic development in and through the private sector, by providing a cooperative mechanism for interested individuals to collaboratively locate, investigate and make investments in early-stage, high risk/return opportunities. Through AngelsCorner entrepreneurs can access critical resources of seed capital and management guidance from experienced business veterans, while investors can decrease the risk and increase the financial return of Angel Investing by cooperating in this activity with a disciplined and experienced group of like-minded colleagues. At AngelsCorner we believe that wealth creation starts with a strong relationship between angel investors and entrepreneurs. For this reason, all members invest personally in a venture. In other words members collaborate on due diligence, but make individual investment decisions. We actively seek out and provide access to high quality capital sources, tools, contacts and peer assistance through a community of people at all levels of knowledge to support the companies and to foster successful venture development.


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Santa Clara, California

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  • Santa Clara, California