Zeezou By Zeeshan Nasir

Retailer in Dunwoody, Georgia

We bring fashion and big names to your little ones' closets. Inside you'll find your child's personal and unique style.

We bring fashion and big names to your little ones' closets. Inside you'll find your child's personal and unique style. Whether your newborn is an up-and-coming socialite, or your already fashionistas need to expand their wardrobes, Zeezou by Zeeshan Nasir specializes in providing timeless fashion for infants, toddlers, and teens.

We have mastered the art of exquisite and clean-cut creations, suitable for any occasion. The designs add subtle sophistication to our mix and a touch of geometric shapes and asymmetrical patterns. Furthermore, These have been designed with immaculate care and precision to give the perfect combination of style and comfort.


Materials and Components

  • Cotton


11203 Ashford Gables Drive
Dunwoody, Georgia
USA 30338
(856) 263-1155

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